Hey, Gorgeous! Free Printable Greeting Card

What a delight it is to give a thoughtful, artfully presented gift. But in the course of my own life, I rarely have all the pieces in place for the appointed day! Perhaps this was part of why we needed to start this business—make it easier for ourselves and others to mark an occasion and give something lovely!

When my friend Angela’s husband let slip that it had been her birthday the day before (I’d once again failed to set it as a recurring date on my calendar), I scrambled into belated celebration mode. Angela is an Ad Gaudium collaborator, and thus has access to our products—-so our boxes weren’t a good option as a gift. But a quick trip to the fancy grocery store yielded a charming pineapple plant complete with baby pineapple.

I opted to pair the plant with a card made for the occasion. The card features watercolor pencil elements from another project—but reconfigured and transformed into a merry epistolary confection! It’s a little like the digital equivalent of quilting—take bits and bobs from one thing and reconfigure them into something new. I opted for slightly saucy “Hey Gorgeous” over an apologetic belated birthday message.

Here’s the card as a printable—a multi-occasion card for a lovely lady-friend in your life!

If you know what wizardry it takes to make a pineapple plant sprout a cute baby pineapple, let us know in the comments!


May Altars & Mary Gardens


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